How to protect your pet from fleas

Recover from Grief of Pet Loss


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bailey the Pug! (2nd of our 4 legged crew)

Hi Everyone,
This is Bailey aka: pugalicious, she is the diva of our family.
We just celebrated her 8th bd. It's hard to believe she is already eight.
She is so little, under 18 lbs. There is so much I can say about her. She is the love of my life.
Our children say "they wouldn't have gotten away with half the stuff she does" Yep it's true she is my baby! Lets just say she can get me to do anything she wants. For instance she can turn on the "cute" and get me to give her treats, even when I know she doesn't need one.
I am so wrapped around that little puggie tail!
I bet you are wondering how we came to have this beautiful pug in our lives. Randy was getting his hair cut and our stylist came in with a basket. In this basket was the most beautiful pug puppies he'd ever seen. He asked our stylist if they were for sale, "not for at least 6 weeks she said" They were just born and went for their first vet check. After what seemed like forever, we were able to go and pick one out. As I sat on the floor in puggie heaven, a little girl came up to me and kissed my face. That was it, I was hooked. I picked her up and smelled her, you know how great puppies smell. Then she settled down in my lap and went to sleep. I knew she had picked me, and she was going home with us. I have been head over heels for this little girl ever sense.
We brought her home, we already had Mable our chow mix, that we had rescued from the Humane Society two years earlier. I was nervous about bringing Bailey home, Randy said " they will be fine, Mable is a wonderful dog." As we walk in the door with her, Mable was curious.
She didn't growl or bark, just sniffed Bailey and walked away, but not before she gave me a look that said "what is that noisy thing". The days went on, trying to get adjusted to our new bundle.
The first thing Mable did was to start drooling on Bailey. It was kinda scary, I was thinking maybe she wanted to eat her. Called our vet "We just got a new puppy and Mable is drooling on her so bad that I'm afraid she's going to eat her!" Once my vet stopped laughing, he told me that Mable was claiming her as her own pup. What a relief that was! Mable has always been a good mom to Bailey, very protective of her.
So that's how Bailey came to be.
We love all of our 4 legged babies. They are such a part of our family, not sure if we
could get along with out them.
Check back with us, as we tell you more antics of our 4 legged crew.
Thanks for reading,

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sophie the Pug!

This is Sophie aka:"Nader Girl" our 4th baby.

Sophie has only been with us for 3 years. We fostered her for a few months until we were able to adopt her. She had a rough start, the person she was with loved her,but he was away from home so much. She was left alone for long periods of time during the day, she became angry and chewed up his remote control for the TV. He had heard that we loved pugs and had one already.

He got a hold of us through a friend of ours and asked if we would take her for awhile until he could get his life on track. Of course we said yes! When I picked her up she was so excited she peed all over my foot. She was with us a few weeks and her prior owner came to visit.

He was happy to see how well she had adjusted to us. She has 3 other dogs to play with , a warm bed to sleep in, (ours of course!) and all the treats she wants. That he signed over papers to give us full custody of Sophie Lynn.

She is so much fun, loves to play with her rag as we call it. It is a piece of lambs wool (fake of course) she sleeps with it when she's in her dog bed, chews on it, I don't know why it's her favorite, she has so many other toys, but she loves it.

She loves cheese, a treat she didn't get until we got her. If you unwrap a slice of cheese you better be prepared to share. Even if she is in a deep sleep, a rattle of the cheese wrapper will make her come running. She will even talk for it, "woo woo". So of course when company comes over we have to show off. I'll say"Sophie can I get a woo woo? Right on cue here comes the "woo woo" but you better have a treat in your hand to give her for all her hard work.

I am so glad she became a part of our lives.

Thanks for reading

Would love to hear your pet stories.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cooper the Lab!

This is Cooper aka: "The Coop Man" the 3rd of our 4 babies.
Cooper is a dad's boy, he just turned 3. So he is still full of energy.
Sometimes he runs around the house like it's a race track. He runs in from the kitchen, jumps from the couch to the love seat. Then as if he hasn't upset the rest of the crew, he starts humping our pugs bed. That starts a war, our little girls don't want him touching their bed let alone doing the nasty on it. I have to send him to the kitchen and put the gate up for his own sake. The pugs will gang up on him. Sophie our 2nd pug (you will hear about her later.) will run and get in her bed when he starts running around the house, she knows what's next. She glares at him as if to say" not this time mister"
Coop loves the water as all labs do, we have a mud pit in our back yard when it rains.
When he hears the rain , all he wants to do is go outside. He wont come in until every inch of him is covered in mud. He is so funny, he waits impatiently at the door until I wipe his feet. (that task took a very long time for him to learn.) All in all, he is an awesome dog. I love him being in our family. He is protective, and loyal.
Thanks for reading,
I would love to hear your pet stories.

The first of our 4 babies.

How we came to be owned by 4 precious 4 legged kids.

Mable, Bailey, Sophie & Cooper
When our boys were younger they wanted a dog .
Since Randy & I had also grown up with pets we wanted to make sure our boys did too.
Off to the local humane society we went,(while the boys were at school of course)!
Every dog in the place would have had a new home if our boys had gone with us.
The first cage we came too had 6 beautiful puppies inside. The sign said "Terrier"
pups born here. Of course I had to stop and smell them, you all know how wonderful
puppies smell. The little one with the cutest brown face licked my fingers, that was it I
had to get him out and cuddle. Turned out "he was a she" she kissed and kissed my face
as I held her. I didn't even make it to another cage. My husband was trying to get me to
come see another just down the hall.
I held her out to Randy and she looked at him with those sweet brown eyes.
Guess What? Mable Louise aka: "The Quise" came home.
She is a great creature, protective and loving
everything we ever wanted in a pet. We just celebrated her 11th bd.
Oh by the way she turned out to be a mix of Chow, Shepard, and
Husky not a "Terrier".
Mable is great with our other 3, she is the mom and keeps them all in their places.
Sometimes when the younger ones are wanting to rough house and play,
she gives me that look that all mom's get when their children are getting on their nerves.
"Please make them take a nap or something". Our boys have grown up and moved out,
they say that "they were never as spoiled as the dogs are". Maybe they are spoiled
and have the run of the house, they sleep in our bed,and have to be moved off the furniture
when we have company. Some people would say that we are crazy to have 4 dogs!
We don't care, to us they are also our children.
Check back to hear all the funny antics that have happened to us while being
owned by our 4 legged crew.
Hope you enjoyed my story.
Thanks for reading.
Coming soon: Bailey the pug!